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Cute cat simulator 3D 14
Formation facile
Cute cat simulator is a game in which you are a very nice cat andyou have to break the maximum objects around you.This cat simulator will let you become a cat and break objectsyou touch. This is the best 3D cat simulator on Google Play.✔ Train to break fragile objects with three training rooms forcats.✔ Discover 3 different rooms (medieval, living room,kitchen).✔ Break the objects to get points.✔ Unlock new cats.Simulator 3D chat is the best simulator for cats. If you'vealways dreamed of becoming a cat, download this free cat lifesimulation for Android!Choose your cat, choose your room and break objects to win !
VR 3D Labyrinth for Cardboard 1.2
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This game is a 3D virtual reality maze forGoogle Cardboard or any other VR glasses like GoogleCardboard,Samsung Gear RVs, Durovis Dive, VR One, immersion-VRelia, Go4D RVs,Refugio3D, vrAse, Homido, Lakento MVR, Archos VR Glasses etc. Asthe Oculus Rift, this game uses the technique of stereo vision tooffer a unique experience of virtual reality.Find the exit of the maze and collect the keys. Avoid zombiesand try to escape the maze as fast as possible. Look at the groundrunning icon to move forward or stop.Look at the action icons to open doors or pick up objects.This game is the first 3D maze VR for Cardboard Google. The gameis free. This is not a simple VR experience, this is a full gamefor VR headsets.
Doll destruction 37
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Push the doll to make it fall and break asmuch bones as you can.You raise points when you broke the doll bones. Push him from thetop of a stair, from a mountain or from a plane and crush as muchbones as you can.Hurt the doll and break his bones to make him bleed. If he hurtsdangerous object, its a critical hit and you will have morepoints.Share your score with your friends to see who is the best. You canalso take screenshot while the doll is fallind and bleeding.✔ New : 3 HD levels. Push the ragdoll in the city ! hit thecars, the buildings and make it fall from the rooftops !✔ Discover Crash destruction, our new destruction game~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Discover our other free gameshttp://games.formation-facile.frAnd send us feedbacks and suggestions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3D Cat simulator 1
3D Cat simulator is a cat life simulator forAndroid!Become a cat and break all the things you touch to earn points.Control a cute little cat and break all the objects in thehouse.This cat simulator gives you an exceptional experience. Choosethe cat that you want to play, choose where you want to go andbreak all the objects around you.✔ Cat simulator lets you play with several cats.✔ Enjoy a fun and unique experience.✔ Discover many levels (house, medieval, training, castle...).✔ Break as much objects as possible with your cat.✔ Play with beautiful cats on your Android!
Formation facile 1.2
Formation facile
Connexion internet requise pour lancerl'application.L'application formation-facile vous permet de vous former auxmétiers de l'informatique gratuitement sur votre smartphone ouvotre tablette !Accédez à plus de 300 vidéos gratuites et apprenez à créer desjeux, créer votre site internet, créer des logiciels ou à faire desmontages vidéo !Toutes nos formations sont en HD pour un confort maximal. N'hésitezpas à poser vos questions à propos de nos cours vidéo.Formation facile c'est des centaines d'heures de tutoriels etplusieurs millions de vues. Vous aussi apprenez le développement defaçon rapide et efficace.Si vous appréciez cette application pensez à la noter et àlaisser votre commentaire pour nous encourager à réaliser denouvelles vidéos.Internet connectionrequired to run the application.The application-easy training allows you to train for careers incomputer free on your smartphone or tablet!Access over 300 free videos and learn how to create games, createyour website, or create software to edit video!All our courses are in HD for maximum comfort. Do not hesitate toask questions about our video course.Easy formation is hundreds of hours of tutorials and severalmillion views. You also learn about the development of rapid andefficient manner.If you like this application consider the note and leave yourcomments to encourage us to make new videos.
Unity3D Tutoriels 1.0
Formation facile
Unity3D dev propose des cours vidéo gratuitssur le logiciel Unity3D.Unity3D est un moteur de jeux permettant à tous le monde de créerfacilement et rapidement des jeux 2D, 3D et de les diffuser sur PC,internet, téléphones et tablettes gratuitement.Retrouvez des dizaines de vidéos gratuite qui vont vouspermettre de créer votre premier jeu vidéo et d'apprendre laprogrammation appliquée aux jeux.Accédez aux cours en illimité sur votre mobile !Unity3D dev offers freevideo course on Unity3D software.Unity3D is a game engine that allows everybody to quickly andeasily create 2D games, 3D and post them on PC, internet, phonesand tablets for free.Find dozens of free videos that will allow you to create yourfirst video game and learn programming applied to games.Access unlimited courses on your mobile!
Tower builder 1.0
Formation facile
Tower Builder is an addictive game in whichyou must build the highest tower possible by stacking the blocks ontop of each other. Your goal is to build the highest tower possiblewithout dropping the structure. You have to put the blocks on topof each other, taking care to balance the tower so that it does notcollapse.✔ Build the tallest tower in the city✔ Stack the blocks✔ Reach space with your building✔ Addictive and free gamePlay Tower builder and show your friends that you are the bestmanufacturer of world tours.
Pizz'Attack (pizza killer) 2
Formation facile
Pizz'attack is a survival game where you are achef who has to fight against mutant pizzas attack.Armed with your rolling pin and your kitchen knife, you have tokill all the pizzas coming out of the oven and are morenumerous.You must survive as long as possible in this Hell's Kitchen anddestroy more pizzas possible.
Crash destruction turbo 25
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Crash dismount is a vehicle crash simulatorgame in wich you have to choose a car, go as fast as possible andcrash your car into the scenery.In Crash Dismount, you must make spectacular crash and hurt yourcharacter by breaking his bones and breakind his members.In this game, the more you take damage, the more points youearn. You can place obstacles on the road to cause severe accidentsand to gain manimum points. Crash destruction is a "destruction"game type associated to a crash simulator.✔ A rich experience is waiting for you in crash dismount turbo.Many vehicles, many levels and an editor allowing you to choose theobstacles you encounter along the way to crash your truck.✔ Experience a fun and a memorable time with turbo crashdismount and hit the doll and make hit bleed because of the manyaccidents you will cause.✔ Crash destruction is free and fun. Destruct the doll withvehicles and show your friends you are the best doll dismounter!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Discover our other free games http://games.formation-facile.frAnd send us feedbacks and suggestions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Halloween levels are here ! Discover 8 new Halloween levels!
Creatures hunter 3D 14
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Become the best hunter with 3D Creatureshunter ! In Creatures Hunter you will have to kill all thecreatures you encounter with your sniper rifle. In this world, youwill fight dinosaurs (T-rex) and zombies.Discover a 3D world populated by dangerous creatures and killthem with your rifle. Put a bullet in their body to make them bleedand die. Check out the slow motion effects when you shoot a bulletand watch out for splashes of blood when the bullet hits amonster.You can use your telescope to see the dinosaurs or zombies faraway. You can move and use a mini map if you want to locate themonsters more easily. Become the best monster hunter of the worldand kill them all with your sniper.
Doll destruction origins 10
Formation facile
Doll destruction is back in a new adventureand fun even more violent! In this new game you always have onegoal: to hurt the puppet and break his bones! Push the doll to dropit and to break his bones. If the contacts are too strong, itsmembers snapped and you earn even more points. However, watch bloodsplatter that may stain your phone!Doll destruction 2 is the best body impact simulator. Hit thepuppet to make him fall in an explosive mine and tear it all theparts of his body. Doll destruction offers a unique experience.Spend your nerves this little puppet and make him evil.Select the area of ​​impact, choose the direction, set the powerand smash against the doll doodads.Share your score on FaceBook to challenge your friends to seewho is the best doll destructive!
Cute minions popper 13
Formation facile
Cute minions popper is a game for young andoldin which you have to pop a bubble to cause a chain reaction.When abubble exploded, it shattered the other bubbles next to itwhich inturn shattered the other bubbles.Your goal is to touch the bubble that will cause thelargestchain reaction. But not easy to choose, there are so manylittleminions that it's hard to choose. And bubblesmovecontinuously.3 game modes are available.✔ The first is the "classic" mode in which you get a score basedonthe number of bubbles that burst.✔ The second mode is the "challenge" where you have aspecificnumber of bubbles to burst.✔ The last mode is the "zen" mode in which you are free to dowhatyou want!Cute minions is the best "bubbles popper" totally freeonAndroid. Take advantage and blow bubbles as possible withCuteminions!
Swipe Arrows 1.2
Formation facile
Swipe arrows is a very simple game in whichyoumust drag the arrow in the direction indicated. If the arrowiswhite, you have to drag in the direction indicated. If the arrowisblack, you have to drag in the opposite direction.If you make a wrong turn, you lose a life.3 game modes are available:- Classic mode in which you have 3 lives and a score.- Zen mode in which there are no points and you can not lose.Zenmode allows you to relax and to training yourself.- The rush mode which is the most competitive mode because youhavea score, 3 lives and a timer of 60 seconds. You must achievethehighest score in less than 60 seconds to show your friends thatyouare the best!Discover Swipe arrow, a free addictive game for Android. Swipeasmuch arrows as you can!
Hires Colors 2.0
Hires colors is an advanture game whereyoucontrol a ball and you have to color yourself with paint toopenthe doors and finish levels.
Tower Defence Unity3D 1.0
Formation facile
Un simple jeu "Tower defence" réalisé avecUnity3D pour les tutoriels deécouvrez les 5 niveaux de ce jeu, affrontez les ennemis etaméliorez vos tours pour faire le maximum de dégâts.Vous aussi apprenez à créer vos jeux Android avec Unity et lestutos de formation-facile.A simple game "Towerdefense" made with Unity3D for training the 5 levels of this game, battle enemies and upgrade yourtowers for maximum damage.You also learn how to create your Android games using Unitytutorials and training-easy.
2D Hardcore Runner 4
Formation facile
You control a ninja who has the ability to runfast and can jump several times. You have to go as far as possiblewithout dying. You will have to jump to avoid obstacles. Thedifficulty will increase during your race and your Ninja will gofaster and faster. How far will you go? Will you better than yourfriends?Pick up the cogs on your way. They will allow you to unlock newpowers to get even better!You can increase your speed, control time, jump up to 5 times in arow, break the walls or get extra lives.Show the world that you are the best ninja of the earth andimprove your score!
Spider spawner 1.1
Formation facile
Spider Spawner est un jeu de rapidité.Vous devez appuyer rapidement sur ??votre écran pourfaireapparaître des d'araignées autant que possible dans untempslimité.Des bonus ainsi que des malus peuvent apparaître quelque partdansl'écran et vous devez juste taper sur eux pour profiter deleureffet.Et vous, combien avez-vous d'araignées?Spider Spawner is agameof speed.You must quickly press? Your screen to bring up the spiders asmuchas possible in a limited time.Bonus and malus can appear anywhere on the screen and you justneedto tap on them to take effect.And you, how do you have spiders?
Hires Colors Lite 1.0
Formation facile
Discover Hires Colors and find all colorstoopen each doors and finish levels. Take as much aspossiblecrystals and unlock new powers.Full version of the game here:
Go down (Upgraded) 2
Formation facile
Go down is an addictive game in which youmustget as soon as possible to avoid dying.Watch out! You must avoid the creatures that are chasing youandnever stop not to be touched by "the line"!The dangers are many and your reflexes will be tested. Howlongwill you survive?Fortunately bonus you will become stronger for a few secondstobreathe and continue down ...Discover the world of 2D Go down, new addictive game foryourAndroid.
Zombie killer 4
Formation facile
In zombie killer, you must choose a weaponandthrow it on a zombie to make damage. The more you hurt thezombie,the more you earn points.Aching the zombie, you earn coins that will allow you to buynewpowerful weapons in the armory to hurt the zombie withswords,saws, knives or other sharp objects.Become the best zombies killer by destroying the maximumzombiesas possible. Watch out for blood splatter ...Compare your score to players worldwide to see who is thebestzombie killer of all time!Zombie Killer is a free game for your Android✔ 8 zombies to unlock✔ Over 25 stab✔ Share your score on Google Games services✔ Unlock many success✔ Fun and Free
Color Bounce 1.3
Formation facile
Après Space Bouncing, voici ColorBounce!Dans ce jeu vous devez rebondir, rebondir et encore rebondirpourmarquer le maximum de points ! Mais attention, vous ne pouvezpasrebondir n'importe où, vous devez toucher uniquement les facesdela couleur annoncée sinon c'est perdu ! Si la couleur annoncéeestrouge, vous devez toucher l'arête rouge.Au plus vous rebondissez, au plus votre score augmente, mais passisimple, car ce jeu vous réserve quelques petites surprises!After Bouncing Space,hereColor Bounce!In this game you must bounce, bounce and bounce again toscoremaximum points! But beware, you can not bounce anywhere, youshouldtouch only the sides of the color advertised otherwise it islost!If the color red is announced, you must touch the rededge.The more you bounce, the higher your score, but not sosimple,because this game offers a few surprises!
Space bouncing 1.4
Formation facile
Space bouncing is an addictive gameforAndroid.The only thing you can do is bounce. You have to survive andneverbounce where you already had bounced.How many points will you have ?
Roll and jump ! 1.0
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Roll and jump est un mini jeu dans lequelvousprenez le contrôle d'une boule qui grimpe une montagne et quidoitéviter les rochers qui tombent de cette montagne. Pour celavousn'avez qu'une seule chose à faire : sauter au dessus despierres !Ce mini jeu a été réalisé avec le moteur Unity 3D (Coursvidéodisponibles sur et Ils'agitd'une démo technique sur la création de jeux 2D avecUnity.Pour jouer c'est simple, touchez simplement l'écran pourfairesauter le personnage.Roll and Jump !Roll and jump is aminigame in which you take control of a ball which climbs amountainand must avoid rocks falling from the mountain. For thisyou onlyhave one thing to do: jump over stones!This mini game was created with the Unity 3D(video-trainingcourses available on and This isa technical demo on creating 2D games withUnity.To play is simple, simply touch the screen to make thecharacterjump.Roll and Jump!
2D impossible run 11
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The hardest game in the world is back!Jump over obstacles to survive. Try to go as far as possible togetthe highest score in the world.Take control of a geometric shape and tap the screen to jump.Itwill jump over spikes to not die and lose. If you hit a wallorpikes you explode immediately.Collect coins to unlock new geometric shapes and playing withmoregeometry dash!
Ball colors maze 2
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Discover a new adventure / platformer gamewithmore than 50 levels to play and a lot of magic crystals tofind. Youhave the power to change your color to avoid obstaclesand go to themagic portal.Play in 4 differents environments (water, poison, lavaandaztec).Magic crystals can be used to unlock bonus levels and explorethis3D world.
3D Ski 2
Formation facile
3D ski is a skiing game simulation whereyouhave to go as far as possible without fall or hit obstacles.Youcan jump over obstacles to get points and show your friends youarethe best skier of the snow mountain.Use the accelerometer of your phone to turn ant touch thescreento jump. You have to go as far as you can to get the bestscore ofthe world. 3D ski is a very simple game but the speedincrease ifyou are to good. Where will you be able to go ?3D ski is a free skiing game for Android.Tags : ski, ski simulator, 3d ski, skiing.
Number Path 1.4
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NumberPath est un jeu de réflexiontotalementgratuit.Finissez les niveaux en suivant un chemin de nombres dans lebonordre afin de détruire toutes les plateformes avant d’aller surlaligne d’arrivée !Attention à ne pas vous tromper, car une seulefaussemanipulation et vous devrez recommencer le niveau depuis ledébut.Gare au chronomètre, vous devez finir la partie avant la findecelui-ci.Vous trouverez à travers ces 30 niveaux des énigmes àrésoudre,des pièces à récolter pour débloquer des niveaux, des clésquipeuvent déverrouiller certaines plateformes, des plateformesenmouvement et plein d’autres !NumberPath is agametotally free thinking.Finish levels following a path of numbers in the correct ordertodestroy all platforms before going to the finish line!Please do not deceive you, because one wrong manipulation andyouhave to start the level from the beginning. Station on theclock,you must finish the game before the end of it.You will find through these 30 levels of puzzles to solve,itemsto collect to unlock levels, keys that can unlock someplatforms,moving platforms and lots more!
3D Mini Golf Unity 1.4
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3D mini golf game developed with Unity. Learn how to create yourgame with Unity.
Ragdoll Smash 3D 35
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Push the ragdoll and hurt it hard to earn points. Epic fail isallowed!
Crazy cat 3D 4
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Control a cat, jump on the furniture and smash all the objects.